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     SCI论文 Impact of digital pl
 加入时间:2020/08/09 11:04:06  点击 次数:



Impact of farmers' benefits linking stability on Cloud Farm Platform of Company to Farmer model (submitted as 68/2020-AGRICECON) has been approved for publication in Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika,SSCI/SCI期刊).https://doi.org/10.17221/68/2020-AGRICECON;

Fang Y.., Fan Y., Yu D., Shen J., Jiang W., Yu D. (2020): Impact of farmers’ benefits linking stability on cloud farm/platform of company to farmer model. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 66.


Abstract: China has formed a new C2F (company-to-farmer) model of internet and agriculture. How to build a sustainable linkage of the C2F platform is important for promoting agricultural industrialization. Based on the cognition theory and internet thinking, we characterized the linkage mechanism and stability framework of the C2F regarding default proportion, benefits fairness and benefits gap. Using the logistic regression method, we constructed the impact effect model of benefit links stability based on the farmers’ characteristics, platform cognition and social environment. We found that in the C2F, optimizing farmers’ age structure (17.93%, impact effect), increasing farmers’ income level (16.79%), as well as improving farmers’ education level (14.33%), policy support (11.35%), platform service quantity (9.82%), market volatility (9.11%), platform transaction transparency (9.07%), farmers’ risk tolerance (7.93%), and platform technical guidance effect (3.67%) had a significant impact on reducing default proportion (28.13%) and benefits gap (36.55%), thus heightening benefits fairness (35.32%). The research suggested, we should promote the sustainability of C2F by improving the farmers’ digital ability and platform function, developing innovative linkage mechanisms between companies and farmers, strengthening government guidance, and protecting the policy environment.

Keywords: agricultural consortium; classification logistics; farmers’ cognition; internet platform; relative effect function



Impact factor (Web of Science):

2019: 1.106
Q3 – Economics
5-Year Impact Factor: 

SCImago Journal Rank (SCOPUS)




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