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     SCI论文 数字化平台组织对降低
SCI论文 数字化平台组织对降低绿色生产风险以应对新冠肺炎的影响-来自江苏家庭农场的证据
 加入时间:2023/01/12 15:57:04  点击 次数:

Abstract: The agricultural organization based on digital platforms in C2F (Company–Platform–Farmers) may be an effective way to reduce the increased risk of green production caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but the specific mechanism and impact involved are unclear. Applying risk cognition and decision theory, we built the theoretical framework on platform organization, pandemic risk, perception value, and green production continuity, and ascertained the impact effects and path using the PLS-SEM method. We found that the risk of COVID-19 overflow had a significant impact on farmers' green production continuity by mediating perception value, especially regarding reduced green technology adoption intention and increased cost of living. Utilizing perfect platform value cognition, participation co-operation, access and benefit distribution, and safeguard and restraint measures of platform organization in C2F, we offered a new approach to reduce the green production risks caused by COVID-19, such as material and labor shortages, financial pressure, sales channel blockages, and price volatility. We explained the behavior-moderating motivation of farmers with different risk preferences and subjective norms in relation to tackling COVID-19. We should aim to perfect the functions of digital platform organizations to optimize the benefit linkages in C2F, accelerate farmers’ digitization ability cultivation to increase the cognitive risk level, and strengthen the policy guidance of COVID-19 prevention to reduce the influence of farmers’ subjective norms.

Keywords: COVID-19; digital platform; benefits-linking stability; green production risk; C2F model

Lishi Mao, Junfeng Song, Siyuan Xu and Degui Yu *

Agriculture 2023, 13, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13010188

 下一条: SSCI论文《C2F模式下的农户利益联结行为影响研究》

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